Thursday, July 05, 2007

Planned Parenthood's Paltry Pig Promotion

The pro-life activists involved with Stop Planned Parenthood sent out this revealing press release:

Everyone knows the stereotype of the sleazy guy who is just on the prowl at a bar to find a random girl to sleep with. Greasy, chauvinistic, manipulative, probably even has a condom already in his pocket ready to make his move.

Lately though, Trojan Condoms and Planned Parenthood seem to want to change that stereotype. Trojan recently released an ad that depicts all the men in a bar as pigs (literally). The implication is that they are all doing their best to manipulate the women at the bar so they can get them into bed. But there is one pig that changes into a seemingly dashing young man.

So what makes the change? Is it because he decides to treat this woman with the respect that she deserves? Is it because he decides that he is more interested in love than fornication? Is it because he realizes that the gift of sex is meant for and perfected by the union of marriage? No, it is because he bought a condom.

This ad attempts to tell its audience that if a man uses a condom then he is not like the other “pigs,” even though his motives remain the same.

So what does this have to do with Planned Parenthood?

When Trojan released this ad to television networks both FOX and CBS realized the offensive nature of the message and refused to air the ad. One spokesman for CBS even stated the ad was “not appropriate…even with late-night-only restrictions.”

Immediately Planned Parenthood took notice and reacted with a press release and a petition to manipulate FOX and CBS into airing the ad. In fact PP has reported that its supporters have already sent over 30,000 letters to the networks demanding that this ad be aired, as well as private letters from Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood.

We contend that the reason Planned Parenthood came to the defense of the commercial is because the ad is exactly what PP thinks “comprehensive medically accurate sex ed” should be. Basically, Planned Parenthood teaches that you can do any number of sexual acts with any number of partners—whether you're married or not—if you use contraception. In other words, it’s OK to use people, as long as you buy its products.

This is the message Planned Parenthood wants to send to its customers, 70 percent of which are under the age of 25. It is ideas like this that Planned Parenthood is pushing that make it so necessary to keep a watchful eye over our children and ensure that they are not indoctrinated by PP’s marketing program into an over-sexualized lifestyle.