Thursday, July 12, 2007

Democrats More Aggressive in Pushing Abortion; Still Intolerant of Pro-Lifers in their Party

...Smith [New Jersey Republican Congressman Chris Smith] said that contrary to suggestions by some Democrats that the party is becoming more open to pro-life views, the party’s ...congressional leadership has demonstrated their continuing dedication to promoting abortion.

“They are so hostile to life – Nancy Pelosi in particular,” Smith said.

Ray Flynn, the former mayor of Boston, Mass., who served as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See during the Clinton administration, agreed that pro-life Democrats like himself continue to be denied any influence in the party.

Smith said that the congressional Democrats would introduce a lot more pro-abortion bills if they weren’t confronted by Bush’s veto commitment...

This report from National Catholic Register has a lot of weighty information that is decidedly missing from mainstream media coverage. Check it out right here.