Monday, June 11, 2007

Will Immigration Bill Increase Illegal Gang Activity?

Too many TV comedians joke about the “Crips” and the “Bloods,” rival gangs in Southern California. But for thousands of Americans, street gangs are a threatening reality. As Central Americans migrate to the United States in great numbers, they bring with them some of the world’s most brutal gangs -- including the notorious and rapidly growing MS-13’s (Mara Salvatrucha), an extremely violent group that boasts close to 10,000 members in over 33 US states.

One of the worst consequences of illegal immigration is the crime some immigrants perpetrate. Illegal alien gang members commit violence across the country -- even in places like Boise and Omaha. They seep into the country, creating cross-state connections rooted in nearly unbreakable, blood-bathed bonds. The statistics show that it’s a huge problem in California and several southwestern states. Now, Congress and President Bush are preparing to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants without providing adequate safeguards against that amnesty being granted to gang-bangers such as MS-13 members.

The Senate Immigration Bill essentially encourages an increase of gang activity in America. In Section 601 (g) (2), it states that gang members would be eligible to receive amnesty if they sign a statement that renounces their gang membership. Hmm. How many spies, mafiosi, or terrorists would hesitate to lie and renounce their allegiances in order to gain legal status in America?...

Here's the rest of this fine, forceful Ericka Andersen column over at Human Events. And, after reading it, I encourage you to follow up with a call, e-mail or letter to your Senator and let them know your opinion about legislation that would create more terror on the streets of American cities by carelessly allowing proven thugs across our borders. (Here's a great place to get the appropriate contact information.)