Monday, June 04, 2007

Global Warming or Global War? Which Should Scare You More?

Global war or global warming: which concerns you more? The question sharply divides Americans, a split that makes me fear for my country. The freest, strongest, most innovative and prosperous nation in history ought to know better.

The twofold story line from the media and many politicians right now is that (1) we have been in Iraq too long for no reason, and (2) every day brings us closer to catastrophe from alleged human-induced climate change. The agenda is therefore to speed up the Kyoto-style self-flagellation while slowing the fight against jihadist Islam.

This is utterly upside down. An unproved, slow-moving environmental worry is elevated to crisis proportions by our elites – while an avowed human enemy at the gates, committed to killing us by the millions and destroying the United States, is wished away. What folly...

This is a first-rate column by John Andrews, a Claremont Institute fellow, former President of the Colorado Senate and a conservative champion whose public service goes all the way back to his service as a Navy submarine officer and then writing speeches for Richard Nixon. Andrews is also chairman of the Colorado-based Backbone America, a national citizens alliance that champions the principles of the American founding fathers. The organization's radio voice can be heard on the internet from this site.