Hoping to lure more Republicans to support the upcoming appropriations bill, House Democrats surprised everyone by voting to increase the amount of abstinence-education funding from the $137 million that President Bush requested to $141 million. Although the measure still faces debate in the full House, the growing support for the Community Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) program looks promising. Unfortunately, the compromise over abstinence funding comes at a price.
In exchange for boosting the CBAE funds, Democrats want tens of millions more in Title X "family planning services." Last week, committee members voted to raise the Title X from $283 million to $311 million!
According to a new report by one of the biggest recipients of those dollars, Planned Parenthood, the increased funds would almost certainly work hand in neoprene glove with the organization's booming abortion services. The 2005-2006 Planned Parenthood Annual Report shows that the organization performed a record 264,943 abortions in 2005 yet did not record a single adoption referral.
With assets totaling more than $839 million, Planned Parenthood hardly needs a government handout. Contact your representatives and ask them to invest your tax dollars in the one form of pregnancy and disease prevention that never fails--abstinence.