Friday, June 15, 2007

Bush Praises Pro-Lifers as "Fearless Shepherds of the Innocent and the Unborn"

KCTV, the Kansas City ABC affiliate, reports here on President Bush's remarks to those gathered in that city this weekend for the National Right to Life annual conference. Bush praised pro-life advocates as "fearless shepherds of the innocent and the unborn."

Furthermore, the president, a stalwart and outspoken pro-lifer himself, told the group, "You've been faithful stewards of our Declaration of Independence's promise that all people have an inalienable right to life," and "you have helped more of our citizens understand that the mark of a great nation is the respect that we give to every single human life."

"I ask you to continue to work with respect and civility to appeal to the hearts and conscience of a good nation, so we can encourage more Americans to embrace a culture of life."

Thank you, Mr. President. We will.