Thursday, May 10, 2007

From Sesame Street To Pervert's Parkway

Just how pernicious and endangering is today's gangsta' rap? And how do the big-money liberals behind the record companies, MTV, BET and so on get a free pass from the media?

Author and playwright Lisa Reitman-Dobi takes a look at how the methods of Sesame Street have been adopted by the sleaze merchants...and with devastating effect.

...What do teens want? That’s a tough one. They want everything. But they want to be taken seriously, not treated like bimbos or drug addicts who can’t think for themselves. They want to be treated with respect as they climb out of childhood and into adolescence. That leaves MTV out. That benighted, greedy, imbecilic channel delivers a Niagara of gyrating crooners who can’t be much older than 19, every one of them designed to seduce...

...According to Jeanine, Tanya’s co-worker: “It’s supposed to be the music first and then the video, but they changed that. Now it’s all about the video and how sexy they can make it… MTV used to bring new music to teens. A really long time ago, I heard it was good. Even my mom liked it. It changed...”

Now, I'll warn you that you're sure to find Reitman-Dobi's article offensive, but that's because she dares to tell you just a few things that are in the actual lyrics of these songs. And she doesn't even get to the really bad stuff! Again, here's the post from Political Mavens.