Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Playground Assault Expands To Blasphemy Charges Against Christians

The scene is a playground in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. The action is an 11-year old Pakistani Christian who decides he doesn't want to play with two Muslim kids who are bullying him. As a result, the youngster is attacked by the two boys, words fly as well as fists, and then in comes...Sharia law?

Yes, the effects of this playground incident have now extended to blasphemy charges against 5 Christians, including the 11-year old. And formal blasphemy charges, though quite alarming in themselves, are not all the Christians of this region must face for crowds of Muslim men are taking the matter into their own hands with rocks, fire and further threats of violence.

Here's more on this tragic story, only one of many such examples from around the world (particularly in Muslim-dominated regions) of how Christians are being harshly persecuted for their loyalty to Jesus.