Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Abortion Art Display at Bowling Green University

Jeannie Ludlow claims her conceptual exhibit, "Saving the Unborn, Saving Women: Art and Abortion in the U.S." shows both sides through artwork and analysis. However, this article from the Bowling Green school newspaper where the display was presented, suggests the "art" may not have been quite as open-ended as advertised.

Ludlow, a proponent of "destruction theory," is a lecturer in the school's Women Studies program. And, not irrelevant, she worked 10 years for an abortionist and still sides with the industry. Note, for instance, her description of the abortionists as being a "help" to women and her dualism that separates "fetus" from mother, rights from morality, and science from religion.

Ludlow said in the past, when she worked in the abortion clinic, they couldn't say the word 'baby' but refer to it as removing the tissue.

"Now I have seen that the word 'baby' can be said in order for them to comfort the mothers and understand their real feelings so that we can help them," Ludlow said.

In addition Ludlow explains how abortions have binaries that keep society from addressing the women's experience.

"The binaries under pro-choice is woman, mother, rights and science," Ludlow said. "Under pro-life is fetus, child, mortality and religion..."

Dr. Ludlow's research interests for the university, as described on the Bowling Green web site, include "abortion politics and reproductive health in the U.S.; feminist body politics and theories of embodiment; ecofeminism; and intersectionality in U.S. feminist activism". In addition to her course work, Dr. Ludlow is an Undergraduate Coordinator/Advisor at the university.