Friday, March 02, 2007

American Cancer Society Gives Your Dollars to Planned Parenthood

The American Cancer Society is now giving money to Planned Parenthood. The details (including contact information so that you can let your opinion be heard in the ACS offices) are in this story.

My letters (I sent one to the national office and another to the local one) were quick and to the point:

Dear sirs,

I was deeply disappointed to learn of the grant given by the American Cancer Society to Planned Parenthood, the nation's #1 provider of abortions. In fact, I see that it is not the first time this has happened. The irony of the ACS' attempt to save lives by giving donor's money to a business that makes millions in profits from killing people is as amazing as it is shameful.

I will never again make a donation to the American Cancer Society and I will certainly discourage my friends from doing so; that is, until a public apology is made for this immoral use of donor's funds and a promise is made to never again commit the ACS to such a disgusting partnership.

Denny Hartford

Director, Vital Signs Ministries

Omaha, Nebraska

By the way, for you in the Omaha area, here is the local contact info:
Omaha Office: American Cancer Society
9850 Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114
Phone: (402)393-5800