Thursday, February 01, 2007

Imagine This -- MSM Coverage of a Pro-Life March

Only 100 pro-life advocates appear at a public rally at the nation's capitol to mourn the loss of life since their government legalized abortion. And yet there is coverage of the event by media -- and rather fair coverage at that.

But then this example comes from South Africa.

Unfortunately, the MSM in the United States can't bring itself to even cover what is the year's largest (by far) public demonstration specifically because it is a pro-life event.

No, anyone who wants to accurately evaluate the controversy over media bias in America needs only to look at the example of Washington, D.C.'s annual March for Life. Whether it reveals itself in the MSM's condescension, unequal representation (giving as much attention to the abortion zealot sitting snug in her office as to the thousands upon thousands marching in the snowy streets) or blatant and arrogant omission of the story altogether, the MSM's attitude towards the March is as clear and dramatic an example of media bias as could be imagined.