Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Congress to Honor Pro-Abortion, Anti-Abstinence Leader

“The U.S. emphasis on stopping young people from beginning intercourse…may be directly and indirectly harming American youth.”

That's just one example of the kinds of incredibly naive, outrageously immoral things that Cynthia Dailard stood for in her career. Dailard served as associate director for domestic policy for President Clinton, a National Women’s Law Center Fellow, a board member of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, and most recently, as senior public policy associate at the Guttmacher Institute. She died in December at the age of 38.

Throughout her career, Dailard was an ardent enthusiast for abortion (even partial-birth abortion), a leader in the promtion of irresponsible sex education (including the exportation of same to other countries) and a staunch enemy of the sanctity of life, parental authority, and traditional family values.

So, what does such a woman deserve from the U.S. Congress? Well, as Ashley Horne tells us in this Concerned Women for America story, "If Senator Hillary Clinton and other pro-abortion Democrats have their way, Congress will pass a resolution (H. Con. Res.39 and S. Res. 36) posthumously honoring Dailard’s life of pro-abortion, anti-abstinence work."

For more on this affair, including the need to contact your political representatives immediately (the vote is scheduled for tomorrow), please check out the rest of the story.