Thursday, January 11, 2007

Michael Moriarty Sounds Off on the Supreme Court, Eugenics, Abortion and a Whole Lot More

You may find parts of this essay kinda' far out (I did) and you will certainly think that running for President under the Realists Party is a pipe dream of the strangest sort (or perhaps an ingenious publicity platform) -- but there's no doubt you will find it most interesting. Certainly you'll see that the award-winning actor doesn't need a screenwriter for him to make a powerful speech. Indeed, he has a skill with the English language as well as a soul full of passion that are both admirable.

The Supreme Court's fairly recent "Eminent Domain" Decision ignored the constitutional right protecting private property from seizure by anyone, let alone the now imperious, imperial State and Federal, Progressive American Government. But on the other hand, our license to own something was twice used to ignore the Declaration of Independence and dispense with our inalienable right to life.

In the Dred Scott decision of 1857 and the Roe v. Wade decision, the right to private property have been used to defend the absolute denial of life and liberty, rights defined by the Declaration of Independence as "inalienable". Mere existence and self-evident freedom were withheld from the gestating infants of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century and the African-Americans of the 19th Century.

Women and slave masters own human beings as private property. These owners, the pregnant mothers and the Southern plantation owners, can do with African Americans and gestating infants anything these owners wish: force them to work without pay, lynch them and/or abort them.

You shall know the tree by its fruit; and the Intellectually Supreme, Progressive Supreme Court has used the American right of private property in three of the most perverse, grotesque and sadistic interpretations of American Jurisdiction that American History has ever seen...

Read the whole essay right here.