Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Fix Is In: America's Entertainment Powers Award Only Liberal Stars

As you know, I'm not a Bill O'Reilly fan but this piece, printed in the Boston Herald, most defintely deserves a careful reading.

For months, my research staff has attempted to find one television critic writing for a major American newspaper who is a conservative thinker. They could not find one. Scores of TV writers are registered Democrats - we can’t find a single registered Republican.
The same is true for film reviewers. As far as we can tell, only syndicated movie critic Michael Medved is a conservative thinker. Nearly every other writer analyzing film has left-wing credentials. Same thing with book review editors, likewise for music critics.

The field of popular culture in America is not even close to being level. It drains to the left all day, every day.

The rest of this very good column is here.