In this same approach recently, we've witnessed the surge in the MSM's coverage of "progressive evangelicalism," the cave-in of several Protestant leaders to the unscientific ballyhoo of global warming, and the sidling up of ardent abortion promoters like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to preachers like Bill Hybels and Rick Warren.
And now...this:
ATLANTA - Plans are in the works for a major meeting for Baptists distancing themselves from conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton joined the leaders of about 40 Baptist groups to make the announcement yesterday at the Carter Center in Atlanta. The meeting, scheduled for next year, is aimed at improving the public image of Baptists and broadening their agenda on social issues such as poverty, racial conflict and health care. The S-B-C has become the leading voice against gay marriage and abortion since coming under conservative control nearly 30 years ago.
Carter left the convention in 2000, but stresses that Southern Baptists are invited to attend the meeting. He says the goal is to demonstrate a "common commitment" to the goals of Jesus Christ.