Following a snowy, cold but wonderful Walk for Life last Saturday in Lincoln, Nebraska, the crowd of hearty pro-life advocates gathered at the NU Student Center heard a informative, challenging presentation about stem cell research from Dr. Sheryl Pitner, Chip Maxwell, and Greg Schleppenbach. All of the speakers are heavily involved with the Nebraska Coalition for Ethical Research. The talks (plus a detailed power point presentation) were all excellent with clear, relevant information that the community desperately needs to hear.

Fortuanately, these speakers (especially the NCER Director, Chip Maxwell) are ready and very willing to come to your church, Sunday School class, civic meeting, home group, or professional association to give you the side of the stem cell controversy that you probably won't hear from mainstream media.
So, please consider this opportunity to make NCER's resources a part of
your pro-life outreach. Just zip on over to the NCER web site
right here.