Friday, September 01, 2006

Straight Talk About the Dangers of Islam

...Would you be more likely to have an anxiety attack at 20,000 feet if the passenger seated next to you was: A) An Irish nun saying the Rosary? B) A Mormon missionary in regulation white shirt and narrow, black tie? C) A Hari Krishna in a standard-issue saffron robe? or D) A bearded bloke of Middle Eastern complexion holding a well-thumbed Koran?

When you hear of a terrorist incident, is the first thought that pops into your head: Probably some crazy Muslim? Guess what? It probably was some crazy Muslim!

Guessing the religion of those who plant bombs, highjack planes, fire into crowds of civilians, take hostages and murder hostages is the world's ultimate no-brainer.

And yet our leaders, the media and many of us pretend there's absolutely no connection between psychopathic, ideological killers and the religion which exalts the slaughter of unbelievers...

Want some cold, hard truth about the dangers of militant Islam and how governments and media are being foolishly, criminally silent about it? Then you definitely want to go to the Cold Steel Caucus Report and read Don Feder's latest article, "The Top Ten Reasons Why It's Quite Possible That Islam Isn't Exactly a Religion of Peace."