Friday, September 08, 2006

The Democrats' New Religious Website

We are the party of abortion, gay marriage, sodomy, divorce, pornography, the one-parent household and premarital sex – in short, the party of the sexual revolution, secularism, political correctness and permissiveness...

This line from Tom Donnelly's column over at, the new website aimed at staunching the flow of "values voters" away from the Democrat Party, says it all. For even though Donnelly suggests the line is a harsh caricature, neither his column or the others at the site dares to deny the reality. The Democrats do represent "the party of abortion, gay marriage, sodomy, divorce, pornography, the one-parent household and premarital sex!"

Reading through the articles on this website is much like sitting through a liberal church service -- a lot of platitudes, a lot of self-righteousness, and a lot of criticism of "that old time religion" that just isn't hip enough to please progressive minds. In fact, reading through the articles on this website is also like listening to a Bill Moyers PBS program -- plenty of furrowed brows, mangled language and hollow arguments.

No, the Democrats just don't get it anymore. Religion that is worth its salt (no pun intended) has to be authoritative, holy, passionate, consistent and connected, not to sociology, but to a revelation from a totally "other-than-man" God. If its not, why bother with it at all? Why go through the charade?

The Democrats can attract plenty of folks...and they will. But the religious voters? They've left (and are still leaving) the liberal churches in droves because there's no real religion there. And they turn off Bill Moyers the moment they see him for the same reason. This new website will face the same fate. Until the Democrat Party begins to change its ways regarding the promotion of, yes, "abortion, gay marriage, sodomy, divorce, pornography, the one-parent household and premarital sex," the religious voters will go elsewhere.

Postscript -- For a quick check on the sincerity of the Democrat's desire to reach out to religious people, check out their links at the bottom of the page. If you think you'll find links to the American Catholic Bishops, the Family Research Council, the Southern Baptists, World Magazine, Focus on the Family, etc....well, then you have been watching too much Bill Moyers!