Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Wild and Wicked Ways of Communist Belarus

How wild can anti-Christian indictrination in the schools get? Check out how the corrupt and totalitarian Communists of Belarus do it.

Despite protests from religious communities, state textbooks continue to make false allegations such as associating charismatic churches and Hare Krishna devotees with the group behind the fatal gas attack on Tokyo's metro system, claiming that Adventists operate "on the same principle as any fraudster," and depicting the history of Protestantism in Belarus negatively...

In one Minsk school, the headteacher told teachers that 90 per cent of every class must join the Pioneers, a Soviet-style state youth organisation, "but that Baptists and satanists were permitted not to join." In another incident, one teacher told a class that "they shouldn't be friends" with a Protestant pupil.

Read the rest of this article from Forum here.