Monday, August 14, 2006

The Left's "Disconnect" with Islamofascist Realities

Today's "must read" column from Town Hall comes from Michael Barone who examines the Left's penchant for living in denial; in this case, focusing on their refusal to face the facts about the West's terrorist enemies.

...Thursday's lesson was not one Tuesday's victors wanted to learn. Left-wing bloggers played an important part in Lamont's victory. Here's the reaction of one of them, John Aravosis, to the red alert ordered here in response to the British arrests: "Do I sound as if I don't believe this alert? Why, yes, that would be correct. I just don't believe it. Read the article. They say the plot had an 'Al Qaeda footprint.' Ooh, are you scared yet?"

What we are looking at here is cognitive dissonance. The mindset of the Left blogosphere is that there's no real terrorist threat out there. We wouldn't have any serious problem if we'd just do something different -- raise the minimum wage or reduce the number without health insurance (the first issue Lamont mentioned on election night), withdraw from Iraq or (as some Left bloggers suggest) sell out Israel...

The rest of Barone's commentary can be read by clicking on the title of this post.