Saturday, July 01, 2006

Koizumi Croons Presley

Wanna' hear a little "Fools Rush In" as sung by Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi?

Here's a short (but charming) clip from Fox News via the Hot Air blog showing Koizumi having a grand time in his trip to Graceland. I particularly like the fact that Koizumi instantly knew the words and tunes of a couple of the King's very best records. For though Elvis rocked through rockabilly tunes as good as any of 'em; he has always most superb in the ballads.

Memo to President Bush: Loosen up a bit.

Memo #2 to President Bush: Yes, Elvis did cut a version of "Blue Suede Shoes" but the song was, of course, the signature song of the late, great Carl Perkins. He was always pretty sensitive to the fact that Elvis' version was referenced more than his.