Monday, June 05, 2006

Perfection or Abortion

Here is a story which shows how very rotten human beings can be; namely, by requiring a baby to be "perfect" in certain arbitrary categories in order to be protected and loved. Downs Syndrome detected? Abortion. Unusual fingers? Abortion. Club foot? Abortion. These, as we know too well, are part of a whole host of other reasons for abortion -- babies being the wrong gender or babies simply being inconvenient.


However, there is something encouraging in the fact that this Daily Mail (U.K.) story treats the abortion of preborn children for "imperfection" as being obviously callous and unnecessary. There was a day not long ago when the MSM (mainstream media) refused to carry a story that might reflect negatively on any abortion procedure. So, take heart and keep shining the light on the beauty and intrinsic worth of all human beings -- the abortionists are finally being seen as the bad guys they always were.