Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Politicians' Indifference to Values Issues

Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, is talking about a new survey that bodes ill for those politicians who talk conservative at home but act indifferent (or even liberal) when back inside the Beltway. Here's a teaser:

...When it comes to influencing policy, Washington has made it clear which team they're on. For the most part, the American voter need not apply. While social conservatives have proven they can win elections, the battle to hold the GOP accountable rages on.

Congress may stop listening to values voters, but come November, they're bound to hear from them. Just ask John Kerry and friends whose hopes were 'Daschled' in '04 by believing values voters would be fooled by empty rhetoric. In the end, the joke was on the Democrats. They learned the hard way - losing conviction is a sure way to lose their seats.

As Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, "Politicians should dance with the one that brung you." But a new survey commissioned by the Family Research Council suggests they are out of step with values voters!

A new National Omnibus Riehle-Tarrance Poll, which surveyed over 1,000 adults last weekend, found that the country pays closer attention to national politics than Congress gives them credit for. Of those polled, 78 percent follow policy discussions in Washington "very closely" or "somewhat closely."
And more importantly, they don't like what they've heard...

Read the rest of Mr. Perkin's column by clicking this link.