Friday, February 24, 2012

America's Mistake-Prone Prez

Joe Biden's press release explained that his weekend plans included a trip to "Road Island."

No kidding. But don't worry, even this latest in Biden's long series of bonehead mistakes will not elicit endless giggling from the media as it would have done were it Gerald Ford or a Dan Quayle. After all, Joe Biden is a Democrat. And the faux pas, foibles and flim-flams of members of the progressive party are to be carefully overlooked by the press.

But that general rule is sometimes overlooked, especially in days like these where an administration has been so utterly feckless, hypocritical and bumbling as the one represented by Messrs Obama and Biden.

Want examples? Read through this compelling report from Matthew Continetti, "The Sloppy Incumbent."

Good stuff.