Friday, July 22, 2011

The Word Is Getting Out: Planned Parenthood Is No Charity

Thanks to the fervent prayers and hard work of pro-life activists around the country (including our modest effort here with Nebraskans Against Planned Parenthood), Americans are learning that the mega-abortion business is NOT a humanitarian effort, charity or ministry. What Planned Parenthood is really about -- and the financial records prove it -- is the promotion of sexual promiscuity, the elimination of parent's rights, and the profits from chemical and surgical abortion. With more on this here's a 1-minute podcast from the Susan B.Anthony List and a very encouraging article from Doug Carlson at Baptist Press about state actions denying funds to Planned Parenthood.

Let these things encourage well as stimulate you to heightened efforts to expose the true character of Planned Parenthood. Thank the Lord, we finally are making headway against this sinister business conglomerate. So, for the lives of the preborn children, for the men and women who are being misinformed and manipulated, and for the soul of the American culture, let's keep moving forward in this critical work.