Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Donald Trump Sounds Off On American Economic Strategy

Is Donald Trump setting up for a run for the White House? Some suggest he's considering it. And though he'd not get my vote, I do appreciate that he's becoming more forceful and more public in his criticism of America's woeful economic strategy. Here's a couple of examples from a recent interview Newsmax did with Donald Trump.

“We have a very weak policy. Whether it’s China, or the horrible agreement just signed with South Korea, or any of the other horrible deals that we make, we don’t have the ability to make good deals with other countries.

“We’re like a whipping post for other countries. We are standing there and being beaten by South Korea, by Mexico, by China, by India. If you have a problem with a credit card and you call somebody up, that person is based in India.

“And then they wonder why we’re not going to have jobs for another five or six years.

“Ben Bernanke said recently it’s going to be at least five years before our jobs really come back. And I say, why? All our jobs are going to China. We’re rebuilding China and other places.

“If we ever taxed Chinese products coming into this country, we would pay off the debt so fast. More importantly, we would start creating jobs in our country.”


“We go to Afghanistan, we build a road. We build a highway. We build a school at the end of the highway. The school gets blown up, the road gets blown up, and we’re starting all over again.” 
“Why aren’t we building roads in Alabama?

“I would like to rebuild the United States. China is rebuilding itself. We are rebuilding China. Then you come into Kennedy International Airport and it’s obsolete. It’s a Third World airport. We have to rebuild ourself.

“We would have no lack of projects. You do airports, you do road work, you do mass transit, you do a lot of things.

“We’ve spent $1.2 trillion – now that’s what they report — in Iraq and yet we can’t fix New Orleans. We can’t fix our own cities. It’s insane.”