And then there's Islam.
Not content merely to slant textbooks or to take kids on field trips to mosques where they are indoctrinated into the way of Islam, some school systems are considering inserting a Muslim religious holiday into the calendar. Yes, while Easter and Christmas holiday breaks must be re-named to the seasons (some are trying to remove them altogether), the progressives are embracing the coercive, harsh, fiercely intolerant, woman-subjugating religion of Islam.
A case in point. In Cambridge, Massachusetts next year, the schools will close for either Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, depending on which holiday falls within the school year. And you can bet that each grade level in school will be getting a heady dose of what that day signifies. Tutorials on Islam. Special readings. Special speakers. Re-enactments of ritual.
All will be cool.
But let a music instructor let a Christmas carol slip into the school assembly?
Forget about it.