Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Obama White House Guilty of Cover-Up. Press Ignores Story.

A White House cover-up, one exposed by a commission the President himself appointed?

If the President involved in this affair were a Republican, America would be treated to full court press coverage of the scandal. It would be headline news for days. 60 Minutes would feature it. Katie Couric and Stone Phillips would be doing regular updates of who knew when. Senators would initiate special hearings. Geraldo Rivera would open a musty room in a Washington warehouse.

But wait. The cover-up turns out to involve Barack Obama and his White House team blocking efforts by scientists to let America know just how bad the Gulf oil spill was.


In that case, the AP summarizes the scandal in a 5-sentence story (no kidding, 5 sentences)...the mainstream press completely ignores the revelations...and everything settles back to normal.