Thursday, October 28, 2010

"The Obama War on Science"

The Washington Post reports today that the Obama administration is entering “the politically sensitive debate” on sex education by spending $110 million on 115 programs in 38 states and the District of Columbia that “teach about the risks of specific sexual activities and the benefits of contraception and others that focus primarily on encouraging teens to delay sex.”

But as the Post later reports, only five of these 110 programs are “authentic” abstinence programs and they will receive less than $5 million. So how did the Obama administration choose which programs to fund? The Post says the Obama administration is “promising to put scientific evidence before political ideology.”

Don’t believe them for a second. On issue after issue, this administration has dressed up their political proposals behind the mantle of “science,” and on every issue there simply is no scientific consensus to support their political positions...

Read the rest of this terrific Conn Carroll article, "The Obama War on Science," over at the The Heritage Foundation. And for a little additional information about the 169 abstinence-based programs that the Obama administration has eliminated altogether, see this previous Vital Signs post, "Obama's 'Safe Sex' Programs Take Over."