Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama's Depressed. We're Depressed. Let's All Have a Good Cry and Start Over.

A Washington Post article entitled, Obama's happiness deficit suggested Barack Obama, "doesn't seem all that happy being president." Maybe before applying for a job he was unqualified for, Obama should have visited a career counselor to discuss options more fitting the skill set of a community organizer.

Because based on opinion polls, 54% of the nation disapproves of Obama's first year of on-the-job training, indicating Barry isn't the only one presently dealing with job dissatisfaction. Insistent about stepping into a position he was incapable of handling Obama saddled the nation with an obviously, "...frustrated, discontented, unqualified employee," whose shoddy job performance is mirrored by the President's dismal facial expression.

The Washington Post article acknowledged that although Obama is doing the "world's hardest job," by and large Americans would prefer the president, "...relish the challenge. They don't want to have to feel grateful to him for taking on the burden." After all, "He did ask for this job; we didn't make him take it."...

After the worship service at INVESCO field, Obama must have thought the presidency was a continual confetti shower where every one of his proposals would be met with rousing cheers and unquestioned acceptance. Maybe for Obama, winning was the job? Following the Inaugural Ball Obama appears inconveniently annoyed by Executive burdens and according to the presidential inner circle, Barry would rather have dinner with Michelle than deal with crowds on the campaign trail, or "horse-trade or arm-twist" to save health care reform.

Apparently, Obama is happier playing basketball than he is "chewing over events" with aides after a grueling day in the Oval Office. What better way to ignore inadequacy than to go a couple of rounds of one-on-one, where each swish reestablishes lagging self-confidence?

Let's remember Obama never held a real job. Maybe the President is shocked to find out this is not a nine-to-five gig?...

(Jeannie DeAngelis, "Why Isn't This Man Happy?" American Thinker, March 19)