But there's a few other items he's assembled as well.
He is an outspoken devotee of conspiracy theories, particularly the extremely wacky belief that the George W. Bush administration was responsible for the World Trade Center attacks in 2001.
And then there's the 5 children sired with various mothers, three marriages, affairs with several women (including porn stars), a history of drug abuse (including a cocaine overdose), and instances of domestic violence including the two felony charges laid on him this past weekend for allegedly roughing up his present wife and threatening her with a knife.
Quite a record. And yet Sheen managed to get out of a Pitkin County, Colorado jail on Christmas and fly back to L.A. by way of a sympathetic judge who conducted a hearing...get this...by a telephone conference. What do you think your chances would be to get similar treatment if busted for anything in Aspen, let alone felonious assault.
Let judges strike a pose and talk about honor and justice. But money and fame (even the squalid kind of fame Charlie Sheen has won) still grease the skids.