Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ObamaCare Does Mean Tax Dollars for Abortion

When you hear the phrase “health care reform,” what comes to mind? Providing coverage to the uninsured? Greater access to health care? Lower hospital bills?

Chances are you never dreamt that health care reform would mean that your tax dollars would be used to pay for someone else’s abortion—but that’s exactly what would happen under the health care reform legislation moving through Congress.

Let’s be clear—national poll after national poll has shown that Americans are squeamish about funding abortion with their tax money. In fact, when President Barack Obama lifted the Mexico City Policy, permitting taxpayer dollars to go to organizations that perform abortions overseas—it proved to be the most unpopular action of his initial days in office. So there is no public outcry for public funding for abortion—in fact, quite the opposite.

Yet, current health reform legislation would lead to federal mandates for abortion in nearly all health plans, including the new public plan. Unless Congress adopts an amendment which explicitly excludes abortion from the legislation’s provisions, America will have abortion on demand paid for by your tax dollars...

Whatever your personal views on health care reform, chances are you weren’t banking on it being used as a method for paying for abortions for birth control. Yet, that’s exactly what could happen—unless you contact your Congressional representative now. Health care reform should be just that—a means of making our health care system better—not an excuse to bail out the abortion industry...

(Maria Vitale, the Education Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, writing in the Philadelphia Bulletin)