Monday, March 09, 2009

Trashy, Tragic and Terrible: Leroy Carhart's Abortion Business

As mentioned in the post below, the Carhart abortion mill is again open for its grisly business. Therefore, we're back to sidewalk counseling, offering the clients information about abortion and its alternatives, neither of which is available from Carhart's uncaring staff. No, they're only interested in the profits that can be made from lying to women, exploiting their distress, and capitalizing on their baser desires.

Our attempts at conversation there are hindered not only by distance and traffic noise (the usual obstacles in sidewalk counseling) but also by junked vehicles and huge commercial trash bins. The place is as unkempt and ugly a mess as could be imagined -- and no one in their right mind would be going in there for any kind of medical attention, let alone an invasive, dangerous surgical procedure.

And yet they do. At least 18 just this morning.

The culture of death is not on the horizon. It's here