Among the report's most important highlights?
* Of Europe's population growth in the last seven years, 84% has come from immigration.
* Well over half of that population growth (57%) has been seen in just 3 countries: France, Spain and the United Kingdom.
* Natural population increase in the USA is 12 times higher than in the EU27.
* Spain has immigration 9 times higher than its natural increase.
* Only France and Holland have natural increase rates higher than their immigration figures.
* Poland, Romania and Lithuania are losing population through emigration.
* Population forecasts indicate that Europe will reach a maximum in 2025 and then begin
to decrease. (Without immigration, it would begin to decrease in 2013.) Meanwhile, the United States will continue to grow. The USA has grown 4 times more than the EU since 1994.
* Due to a reduction in the youth population (20 million over 27 years), there are already 6 million more elderly individuals than young people. And that gap is growing wider.
The 66 page report (heavy on visuals, including colorful and strikingly effective graphs and pie charts) has a lot more of alarming information. It can be viewed in this pdf file.