Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Southern Baptist Global Warming Declaration Only Half-Baked

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, national spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, has taken a careful look at the new global warming declaration made by 3 dozen Southern Baptist leaders. (See yesterday's post.) And he says there's a lot less there than the media is suggesting. Indeed, Dr. Beisner points out several inconsistencies within the document, shows there are no specific action steps suggested, and demonstrates that at least one of the signers of the poorly written, poorly argued document is already having some second thoughts about it.

Says Beisner, "This declaration, though sincere, is being used to give the false impression of a major split among Southern Baptists over global warming. Indeed, according to the most prominent signer, Southern Baptist Convention President Frank Page, the official position of the SBC has not changed from earlier resolutions that question global warming claims."

"Dr. Page clarified that he does not think the denomination’s resolutions have been 'too timid,' according to a separate statement issued the same day. 'As Southern Baptist Convention President, I totally stand behind the resolutions that have been passed in recent years…. The scientific research on human-induced global warming is conflicting at best.'"