Last night 13 adults and a few kids got together in the Faith Bible Church gym for a very effective letter-writing party. We schedule these events a few times a year to provide to the Christians of our congregation encouragement and practical assistance in this important area of our public witness.
For letters make a real difference. They impart information. They urge action. They provide accountability. And, certainly not the least valuable, they clear the conscience. How? By frankly, kindly telling the truth to the powers that be -- instead of just privately grumbling behind their backs. By adding to one's prayers for a spiritual revival and reformation in our world a word of public testimony to that end -- instead of just touting our convictions to one another.
We take our citizenship responsibilities seriously by going beyond the vote. Yes, we pray -- fervently and frequently. But the Lord wants us to let our light shine before men, not hide it under a basket. He specifically bids us to bear public witness; to warn and rebuke when necessary; and to encourage and embolden when that is relevant. The Lord wants us to shine, not whine. Thus, the letter-writing parties that Vital Signs Ministries has hosted for almost 30 years.
Last night our "letter targets" included politicians, diplomats, prisoners in jail for their Christian faith, businessmen, journalists, missionaries our church supports, and others from our church and community who we thought could use a thank-you or other encouragement.
Interested in taking part? There's a few ways to do this. You can simply write letters, make phone calls, or zip e-mails on your own by following along with the Taking Action items here at Vital Signs Blog or at other sites. Last night, for instance, our church group used information from the Vital Signs posts listed below. But you can also use these sources and host a letter-writing party of your own. Do it at home with friends. Do one as a family. Christian school classes and home-school groups should do it. Churches and Sunday Schools too.
By the way, here's a primer on letter-writing that you might find useful.
And here are those posts we used last night.
Using Sex (and Weird Sex, At That) To Sell Candy
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
P.O. BOX 3900
Peoria, IL 61614
Office Depot Partners with Lady Gaga
Office Depot
6600 North Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33496
Saying "NO" to Starbucks
Starbucks Corporation
Howard D. Schultz, CEO
2401 Utah Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98134
Several of us also sent along thank-you notes to companies doing the right things! Among them were Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A.
Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
David Green, CEO
7707 S.W. 44th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73179
Chick-fil-A CARES
P.O. Box 500367
Atlanta, GA 31150
For contacting prisoners for Christ and the diplomatic powers that could act to insure religious freedom in their countries, we use several sources including Voice of the Martyrs.