Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How's This For a Senate Candidate?

Which candidate for the U.S. Senate affirms the following:

On the sanctity of life
--- I am proud to be pro-life and have a 100% pro-life voting record in my 8 years in the Nebraska Legislature.

I co-sponsored a bill to provide for additional voluntary and informed consents from a woman prior to an abortion in 2009. I also co-sponsored and passed the Adopt the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in 2010.

I will continue to support a culture of life by supporting pro-life policies in U.S. Senate.

On taxes and the economy --- The federal government doesn’t have a budget problem because it taxes too little; it has a budget problem because it simply spends too much. I’m proud to have balanced our state budget eight times as a member of the Nebraska Legislature by making tough decisions and setting priorities. I also voted for the largest tax relief package in Nebraska history.

I have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promising not to raise taxes on individuals and businesses. .

In my jobs plan, I have proposed reforming our current tax code to make it simpler for businesses and families to invest and make long-term plans by fostering a climate of certainty.

I have also advocating for lowering the business tax rate from 35% to 24% and closing the loopholes that have allowed some corporations to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

I will take my budget skills to Washington and convince Congress to cut spending, not raise taxes. As Ronald Reagan showed us, reducing taxes spurs economic growth and creates private sector jobs and I will bring that philosophy to the U.S. Senate.

On heath care --- The government takeover of health care supported by President Obama and [my opponent] places enormous costs on individuals and small businesses and fails to lower health care costs. The Supreme Court recently confirmed what we have all long known: Obamacare is one of the biggest tax hikes in our nation’s history. As your U.S. Senator, I will vote to fully repeal Obamacare.

I believe we can reduce costs and increase accessibility to health care, not with big government, but with free-market reforms.

Who is this candidate? It's wife, mother, rancher, educator, and effective state senator, Deb Fischer. And she'd like your help in winning more votes than Bob Kerrey to bring the values stated above to the U.S. Senate.

Claire and I believe she's definitely the gal for the job.

Here's more.