Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Doesn't the "Social Justice" Crowd Make Abortion a Priority?

An abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn child inside (or partially inside) the womb.

Social justice is . . . what exactly?

Again and again I see young social justice-focused evangelicals abandoning any effective voice for the unborn for the sake of an ephemeral, culturally-fashionable concept that as a practical matter means little more than advocating a utopian ideal through a grab-bag of banal, functionally socialist policies. Moreover, the embrace of social justice often drives them functionally into the arms of a political party and political movements that are dedicated to protecting and even subsidizing the “right” to kill children on a vast, industrial scale.

Social justice must be virtuous indeed to be worth such a high cost. So, what is it?..

Read on. For David French exposes a key problem affecting young evangelicals (and Catholics) in this excellent article.

And more than exposing the problem, he calls them out on it.