Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The "National Association of Evangelicals" Doesn't Really Represent Evangelicals

 So why is the organization continuing to get their money? 

Evangelicals are known for taking conservative political positions, which is reflected in public opinion polls. But over the past few years several organizations and leaders claiming to represent them have issued a series of faddish, publicity-seeking public statements pronouncing left-leaning positions on political issues. 

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is one of the worst offenders...

Rachel Alexander voices in this detailed column a deep concern over the liberalization (not to mention the snobbery and sneakiness) that has marked the National Association of Evangelicals over the last several years. It's a very good article, one that you should pass around to your pastor and other church members. For it is, after all, with their supposed backing -- as well as their money -- that the NAE is playing these sinister games.

For more to consider, here's a sampling of Vital Signs Blog posts dealing with the increasingly leftist moves of the NAE:

Pro-Abortion National Association of Evangelical Board Member Picked by Democrats

More Disappointment with the National Association of Evangelicals

The National Association of Evangelicals' Latest Blunder?

The Sinking Ship of the National Association of Evangelicals.