Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Share the Wealth? Planned Parenthood Is Getting Richer Off Of You.

Okay, let's run by a few very important facts:

1) Planned Parenthood kills preborn babies for profit. Hundreds of thousands of babies. And by payments to surgical abortionists and sales of chemical abortifacients, Planned Parenthood is raking in millions of dollars every year. They are the largest abortion providing, abortion promoting business in the world.

2) Planned Parenthood is the most aggressive promoter of abortion rights in the U.S. and abroad. It's influence in Congress, the United Nations, in state governments, in social service agencies, and among government educators is huge.

3) Planned Parenthood promotes (and enables) sexual promiscuity, even among very young teenagers.

4) Planned Parenthood promotes sexual perversion and does so with obscene and blasphemous materials.

5) Planned Parenthood holds firm to the racism and elitism of its eugenics founders.

6) Planned Parenthood has been caught on many occasions in criminal cover-ups of statutory rape.

7) Planned Parenthood operates many unsafe, unsanitary abortion clinics. It has had several abortionists who have killed adult women through botched abortion. It dispenses very dangerous abortifacient drugs in an unprofessional manner like over the phone and through "at home abortion kits." It works continually against parental rights and control. It works continually against any and all limitations on abortion.

And, oh yeah...Number 8) Planned Parenthood makes about $100,000,000 every year from American taxpayers.

Here, from, are the details taken from a government report.

A new Government Accountability Office report shows the Planned Parenthood abortion business reported spending over $650 million in federal funds over a seven year period. That averages to just under $100 million in federal funds each year...

The new 33-page report concerns how much federal money the Planned Parenthood Federation of America is receiving and from what sources -- with most of the funds coming from the Title X family planning program.

Combining the money received from the Health and Human Services department and USAID, the GAO report indicates Planned Parenthood received $657.1 million in federal funds.

The report also shows the pro-abortion group Population Council received $284.3 million in federal funds as well for its international family planning efforts. And the Guttmacher institute, a pro-abortion group that does research on abortion statistics, received $12.7 million. Advocates for Youth, another pro-abortion group, received $8.7 million from the federal government and the International Planned Parenthood Federation received $3.9 million.

Combined, the pro-abortion organizations received more than $1 billion in taxpayer dollars from the federal government over the 2002-2009 period GAO analyzed...

So are you ready to finally start writing and calling your Congressmen and Senators about this outrage?


You can use the search box in the upper left hand corner of this page to "season" your letters with relevant facts. Just type in "Planned Parenthood" and then hit the little magnifying glass. But, to be honest, your letter or call will pack a punch even if you simply say you're sick and tired of seeing government waste your money, let alone use it to enlarge yet further the coffers of such an offensive, immoral and violent business.

Use this page for contact info. And then get busy. Get your friends involved. Pass the word. Write letters to editors. With politicians, use the once-a-month rule and let these folks know how serious you are about their responsibility to start de-funding Planned Parenthood ASAP.