Just where should we look for models in dealing with people who are afflicted by Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and other debilitating maladies? Traditionally, of course, those models have come from heroes of mercy like Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton. We look in a broader sense to the ideals of Western Civilization which are taken from religion, especially Christianity.
But modern times call for modern ethics, something more in line with the natural (rather than the supernatural) order we now worship. Therefore, even if the resultant methods seem ugly and cold-hearted to those whose consciences are trained in old-fashioned ideas, progressive social engineers are laying out new plans for our ill and aging citizens.
As an example, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the touching observations of April Bogle, the Director of Public Relationships at Emory University’s Center for the Study of Law and Religion, who proposes that the best model we have before us for treating our elderly is…wait for it…the law of the jungle! And I’m not making this up. Here is Ms. Bogle’s mind-boggling prescription for ethics in the post-Christian era...
To find out just what Ms. Bogle advocates AND what is Denny Hartford's response to her ideas, check out the August LifeSharer letter of Vital Signs Ministries. You'll find it by visiting the front page of the VSM website.