Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Planned Parenthood: Lying Louder Than Ever

Here's an absolute must for Christian pro-lifers, especially those of you who are getting serious about alerting your friends, co-workers, church members (and your legislators!) to what the mega-abortion corporation Planned Parenthood is all about.

It's a terrific article, "Things Planned Parenthood's 'Truth Team' Forgot to Mention," written by Susan E. Wills and published in American Thinker.

The piece is a careful, fact-checking document which counters the lies that Planned Parenthood is right now stressing as they seek to do "damage control" over recent revelations about just how much money they make, how many abortions they do, how many cases of covering up crime they've been caught in, and how deeply into the pockets of the American taxpayer they are.

Planned Parenthood is not going to go quietly away. Indeed, they're fighting back with new, louder and more outrageous lies than ever. It's up to us to counter those lies and expose them in the public square. And this article is a huge help.