Friday, March 18, 2011

The NIV Wants To Make You People Fishers

Mark 1:17 "'Come follow me, 'Jesus said, 'and I will send you out to fish for people.'" (2011 NIV)
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is very understanding and very polite about the matter but they don't like the latest New International Version of the Bible.

Neither do I. For translations of the Bible should be just that -- the most accurate translation of the very words of the text. The NIV doesn't do that. So I don't do the NIV.

And, by the way, this 2011 version is not only the new NIV; it will soon be the only NIV. Zondervan plans to phase out all earlier versions. The company thus gives you no choice. Either you take this one or you go with a different version altogether.

My recommendation remains what it has been for over 40 years now -- the New American Standard.

Anyhow, for more specifics, see the detailed and balanced CBMW response here or the reflections of Trevin Wax over here.