Wednesday, February 02, 2011

With Planned Parenthood's Wickedness Exposed (Again!), Will PP "Partners" Break Away?

Despite the latest disgusting revelations of Planned Parenthood's criminal activity, I've yet to hear any Democrats talk about de-funding the huge abortion conglomerate nor have I heard any of Planned Parenthood's partners and sponsors announce they are breaking off their relationship.

Shame on them. I mean, what will it take?

That's why I'd like to remind you once again of a Vital Signs post from two weeks ago. It was titled, "Why I Don't Buy Girl Scout Cookies. (And Why You Shouldn't Either.)" I posted a link to that story on Facebook as well and the traffic to it is still very high. I'm pleased about that because getting the word out about groups and businesses that support Planned Parenthood is a very important part of the Christian community's responsibility to oppose this dreadful organization.

So let's keep shouting from the rooftops the sordid realities about Planned Parenthood -- the obscene sex education programs; the enabling of mass promiscuity with all of the personal tragedies that produces; the continual attack on parental rights; the continual attack on moral values; the advocacy of sexual perversion; the selling of chemicals that kill preborn children; the selling of surgical methods that kill preborn children; the cover up of statutory rape; and the spending on evil schemes millions of American taxpayer dollars every year.

And yes, let's keep shouting too the ugly partnerships that Planned Parenthood maintains with groups like United Way, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and the Girl Scouts.

For more on this very important matter, check out Life Decisions International.