Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wow -- Did You Catch This One?

CSU Wants to Go Green But It's Too Expensive

Nifty update on how a modern university finally figures out what businesses knew right up front; namely, the grand schemes to end man-made global warming just wouldn't work in the real world.

Another Big Blooper from Rookie President

"The President risked offending British troops in Afghanistan by saying that French president Nicolas Sarkozy is a ‘stronger friend’ than David Cameron. The remarks, during a White House appearance with Mr Sarkozy, will reinforce the widely-held view in British diplomatic circles that Mr Obama has less interest in the Special Relationship than any other recent American leader."

"Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn delighted with a whopping 66% income tax hike; you'll never guess his party."

If you were thinking of moving to Illinois, hold off until you read this. It's one of those quintessentially Illinois political stories that prompt laughter -- unless you live there.

The newly elected Gov. Pat Quinn (shown above with the pleased grin) is so happy this morning. Why? Because his obedient state Legislature just voted an income tax increase on those dumb saps who elected him in November.

Wait for it: The income tax increase is 66% !! And even that additional $6.8 billion sucked out of the state's private economy isn't anywhere near enough to cover the state's spending hole that could be as large as $15 billion.

Quinn says this tax measure, which will cost a family of four earning $50,000 around $1,000 more annually, was necessary because his state government needs the money...more than the people who earned it do.

A Thank You Call to America’s Worst Sheriff

The worst sheriff in America, Pima County’s irresponsible Clarence Dupnik, has accomplished notable achievements in the past. For example, he assisted in the non-prosecution of fellow moonbats who threw pies at Ann Coulter when she tried to speak at the University of Arizona. When SB1070 passed with the overwhelming support of Arizona citizens alarmed by the inundation of the state by illegal aliens, this sheriff of a border county refused to enforce it.

But only after ignoring numerous warnings that Jared Loughner’s psychosis would explode into violence and providing no security for Gabrielle Giffords’s Congress on Your Corner event, then covering his incompetence by incongruously blaming the ensuing bloodbath on conservatives and taking the opportunity to denounce his own state as “the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry” has Dupnik achieved the ultimate liberal honor — a personal call from the Moonbat Messiah himself to thank him for a job well done...

Dupnik may be inept as a law enforcement officer, but when it comes to sowing seeds of discord and warping reality to fit hard left talking points, even liberal establishment pundits who are paid $millions per year are reduced to merely echoing his grotesque accusations. Gateway Pundit thinks we may have found a replacement for Robert Gibbs. Dupnik's devotion to partisan politics rather than public safety would make him even more suitable to head the DHS, after the clueless Big Sis inevitably resigns in disgrace.