Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Those Who Died In Tucson

Lost in the media blitz of hypocrisy, distortion and leftist propaganda over Jared Loughner's shooting spree in Tucson last week was not only solid reporting about the murderer and his motives but also information about those victims whose lives were taken.

Here are a few exceptions:

* National Review describes the life, the loving marriage and the heroic self-sacrifice in that Tuscon parking lot of 76-year old Dorwan Stoddard. It's a very moving description that is well worth the read.

* Also from National Review is a brief testimony to U.S. District Court Chief Judge John McCarthy Roll, an outstanding Christian jurist who was another of Loughner's fatal victims.

* Steve Politi a New Jersey Star-Ledger columnist describes the family's mourning of another of Loughner's victims, Phyllis Schneck, a vibrant 79-year-old grandmother and great-grandmother who was active in church and civic groups.

* The Washington Post blog has reports on 9-year old Christina-Taylor Green and all of the other victims.