Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Before a Working Fire

As soon as I finish blogging here (in just a few minutes), I will head upstairs to build the first fire of the season. It's a very cold day here in Omaha but we've planned to stay inside where, in part due to our new windows (thanks again, Gilbert and Michael), it will be snug and warm.

We removed the snow from the walks and driveway yesterday evening, we earlier got soda and treats over to Mom, we brought enough wood up from the backyard rack to last a few days, and so now we can concentrate on some important post-Christmas duties.

Among those duties are the taking down of decorations (a big job which Claire handles), writing thank-you notes, reading once again through all of the Christmas cards and letters, and going over our personal finances and missionary giving for the next year.

With fine music and a nice fire establishing a winsome atmosphere, it should make for a productive as well as enjoyable afternoon and evening. 

Hope your day goes well too.