Friday, December 10, 2010

One Bizarre Woman Complains, Town Removes Nativity Scene

It isn’t grotesque or sexually offensive, it isn’t the naked teens on the walls of Abercrombie, or parts of the “anatomy” regularly hanging in some of the stores, like Spencers, that are in malls throughout the country. It isn’t profane or vulgar….it’s… the Baby Jesus that, once again, has people offended- so much so that they feel the need to register complaints.

It’s known as the War on Christmas and just a few decades ago would have prompted peals of belly laughter caused by disbelief had our previous generations been warned it was coming. That was the generation born with common sense.

It shows up right on time each year and the ridiculous stories abound. The latest is coming out of Pennsylvania from a town called Canonsburg who has displayed their beautiful Nativity scene for the last 57 years- enjoyed by families and neighboring communities for all that time.

"A Pennsylvania town has removed a Nativity scene from the borough building after a resident complained. Canonsburg Borough Manager Terry Hazlett tells the Observer-Reporter of Washington that he received a written complaint last week from resident Megan Hartley. She wrote that the creche was disrespectful to citizens who aren’t Christian and that it shouldn’t be displayed at a government building..."

"Hartley is a college grad, single mom and a fiction writer who especially enjoys dabbling in the supernatural, including a seemingly unhealthy fascination with demons, vampires and gore. In one of her short stories posted online, Hartley describes the point of view from a demon in Hell by describing the mutilation of a human."

So, we have one incredibly weird woman, obviously deeply immersed in the occult, calling the shots for the entire town. Where is this tolerance from the “party of tolerance” that we hear the left boast of so often? Where is the tolerance for a simple nativity scene that the majority of the town enjoys and looks forward to each Christmas? The liberal rule of thumb seems to always be that of squashing the rights of the majority to please a very tiny minority.

(Brittany Pounders , "The Death of Christmas," Liberty Juice)