Friday, December 10, 2010

Obama Burns His Bridges

Here are two excellent articles dealing with Barack Obama's "compromise" with Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts that you must not miss. The first is from Jeffrey T. Kuhner at the Washington Times and the second is written by Peggy Noonan over at the Wall Street Journal.

But if you only read one, read Kuhner's. Here's a teaser:

President Obama has made a fatal political mistake: He has shattered his progressive base - perhaps permanently. His liberal hour is over. This is the real meaning of the White House's tax deal with Republicans...

Hence, Mr. Obama sold out his allies for nothing meaningful in return - and they know it. Progressives are seething. Many House Democrats are in revolt. The New York Times' Paul Krugman and Frank Rich have denounced him. MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has compared the president's capitulation to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's "appeasement" of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Mr. Obama is losing his left flank - the very people who propelled him to the presidency.

Liberals are finally discovering what most Americans already know: Mr. Obama cannot be trusted. He is a narcissist who believes that everyone and everything - including his own country - must be subordinated to serve his needs. His messiah complex threatens to tear America apart.

This follows a pattern of betrayal. His administration's massive deficits have betrayed Middle America, putting us on the path to economic ruin and national bankruptcy. The passage of Obamacare was a betrayal of our democracy, creating the ominous precedent that sweeping legislation can be enacted without anyone in Congress knowing or even being able to read fully what's in a bill before it becomes law. This is dangerously close to ruling by decree. His foreign policy - apologizing to the Muslim world, pressuring Israel to negotiate with the Palestinians, withdrawing missile-defense sites from Eastern Europe, coddling Vladimir Putin's Russia, refusing to confront North Korea and Iran - has betrayed our international allies and friends. His strict rules of engagement, combined with a troop surge that has no plan for victory, has betrayed our military in Afghanistan.

He has now betrayed the socialist progressives. Closing Guantanamo Bay, making the public option the centerpiece of the health care overhaul, pulling all U.S. forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and repealing the hated Bush tax cuts - the list of his failed promises keeps growing...