Monday, December 06, 2010

Chemical Abortionists: First, They Lie. Then They Destroy.

Abortionists (and I include those who use poisonous chemicals to kill preborn children) are as much into lies as they are into violence. The marketers of the abortion drug "ella" are all-too-typical examples of this wickedness.

Here's a portion of Anna Franzonello's AUL article dealing with these guys.

Sale of the Abortion Drug ella Surrounded by More Disinformation

In August, the FDA approved the new drug ella without adequate assurances of its safety for women and allowed the abortion-causing drug to be misleadingly labeled as contraception. Now ella’s U.S.-based marketer, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and an online based pharmacy, KwikMed, are further distorting the facts as they start to sell the drug.

On its self-described “informative” website, Watson claims that ella “is not an abortion pill” and “if used as directed, emergency contraceptives do not work the same way as Mifeprex.”

However, the abortion drug Mifeprex (RU-486) is, like ella, a selective progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM). They have similar chemical make-ups and modes of action. Translation: they work the same way.

Watson acknowledges that “ella may also work by preventing attachment to the uterus.” However, this description is misleading. What, exactly, is prevented from attaching?

Watson does not say an embryo (a distinct human being) is prevented from implanting in the uterus. A person viewing Watson’s website, who is not familiar with the science, may believe Watson is referring to an egg and not an embryo, since the phrase immediately follows a sentence stating ella may “stop[] or delay[] ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary).”

The Frequently Asked Questions section on the KwikMed website, where women can order ella without even having seen a doctor, is blatantly inaccurate. KwikMed tells women that ella “may also work by preventing attachment (implantation) of the egg to the uterine wall.” However, it is a developing embryo, a distinct human being, that is prevented from implanting, not an egg.

Watson and KwikMed also fail to inform women that, by blocking progesterone, ella can starve an embryo to death even after implantation. (During pregnancy, progesterone is necessary to build and maintain the lining of the uterine wall. Thus, by blocking progesterone, an SPRM can either prevent a developing human embryo from implanting in the uterus, or it can kill an implanted embryo by starving it to death.)...

Read the rest of Anna's report right here.